Monday, March 24, 2014

Dream catcher ^^

Zdravo svima! Nesto ovih poslednjih par dana i nisam bila rapsolozena za pisaanje (ne znam zasto).Mada,i da jesam bila raspolozena, nisam imala vremena.Dosta toga se desavalo,bile smo na sve strane.Plus onih par dana lepog vremena koji su me tako vuuukli da izadjem napolje i ne vratim se u kucu do veceri XD Danas je jako ruzno vreme tako da sam odlucila da konacno krenem da ucim,a u pauzi pisem ovo ^^ 
Posto je meni decko napravio lutkicu Undertaker-a htela sam nekako da mu uzvratim.Odlucila sam da mu napravim hvatac snova,kao nesto sto moze lepo da izgleda u sobi i da ima neko znacenje :3 Prvi put u zivotu sam to pokusala i ispao je prilicno dobro.Nisam gledala uputstva na internetu niti neka pravila po kojima bi mozda trebalo da se vodim.Samo sam sela i krenula napamet XD Tako da,ispalo je ovako: 

Hello everyone! These last few days I wasn't in a mood for writing (I don't know why). But, even if I was,I didn't have time to write.There was a lot of things going on around us,we were all over the place.Plus those few days of really nice weather that I just couldn't spend indoors.The weather is really bad today so I decided to finally start studding and while I'm on a break I'm writing this ^^
Since I got that really cute Undertaker doll from my boyfriend I decided to make something for him as well.I chose to make him a dream catcher as that is something that can look nice in the room and has a meaning :3 This was my first time making one and it ended up pretty good.I didn't watch any tutorial or tried searching for  rules or anything.I just sat down and started on my own XD So it ended up like this:

Cim su mama i drugarica videle odmah su narucile da im napravim :'D Tako da cu ovih dana morati i time da se pozabavim...Na fakultetu je uobicajeno...Prilicno dosadno.Medjutim,kad je lepo vreme onda sam i ja  puna energije i raspolozena za sminkanje,pravljenje frizure i te stvari,pa tako odem i na faks :D 

As soon as mom and friend saw it they told me to make one of those for both of them :'D So I have to do that too...On faculty is just as always...Pretty boring.But, when the weather is nice I am full of spirit and energy so I'm all up for putting the make up on,doing my hair and all that stuff. :D 

Selfies before going to faculty XD

 or IN the faculty :D

 And some pretty Spring flowers 

Yup,that is one huuuuge bunny in the middle of Belgrade.I have no idea what's the meaning of it XD

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